
草木染めポーチ1  Dyeing with vegetable dyes porch 1

¥2,500 税込


なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK


素材:表 ちりめん絹 中布 絹
サイズ 縦 160mm 横 90mm

草木染めポーチ 自然素材にこだわった草木染めポーチ。手作業で丁寧に染め上げられた、一点物の温かみ溢れるアイテムです。草木染料だけを使用し、やさしい色彩が魅力。持ち運びに便利なサイズ感で、旅行や日常使いに最適です。 自然の恵みを感じながら、心地よい暮らしを提案する草木染めポーチ。一つ一つに職人の手仕事が光る、特別なアイテムです。豊かな自然の色合いを身にまとうことで、日常の中に贅沢なひとときをお届けします。 商品は天然素材を使用しているため、色味に個体差が生じることがございます。また、長時間直射日光や高温多湿な場所での保管は避け、色落ちや変色のおそれがございます。ご注意ください。

It is a work of mother becoming 92 years old this year born in 1928.
I am continuing making a work of the dyeing with vegetable dyes now.
Material: The cloth silk design out of the table crepe silk is a hop
I sketched it and dug a paper pattern and I worked as paste men in ambush and did dyeing with vegetable dyes.
Size 160mm in height 90mm in width
It is the size that is good for glasses case and a pen case, an accessory case.
It becomes all one point of thing.

The dyeing with vegetable dyes porch which was particular about the dyeing with vegetable dyes porch nature subject matter. It is an item full of the warmth of a piece of article finished dyeing carefully by hand. Only using the trees and plants dye, an easy color is attractive. For a feeling of size that is convenient for carrying around, it is most suitable for a trip and a daily life errand. The dyeing with vegetable dyes porch which suggests a comfortable living while feeling blessings of nature. It is the special item that the handwork of the craftsman shines to one one. I provide a luxurious time in daily life by wearing a hue of rich nature in the body. Because the product uses a nature material, individual difference may occur in color taste. In addition, I avoid direct rays of the sun and the storage at the high temperature and humid place for a long time, and there is the fear of discoloration and the change of color. Please be careful.

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¥2,500 税込

